Conscious songs: The colour of hope

Continuing with the conscious songs theme, let me tell you about another song that cheers me up and motivates me every time I listen to it, this time in Spanish.

It's Color esperanza (The colour of hope), by Diego Torres, and it's dedicated to those of you who are facing a challenge right now, whether it's something that you chose yourselves, or something that came to you for whatever reason (and there's always a reason, although we don't always see it right at that moment).

UPDATE: The video I embedded when I wrote this post is no longer available on Youtube, so I´m adding here two different videos with the written lyrics, one in Spanish and one in English. Some of the sentences I would have translated differently, but hey... Leaving perfectionism aside, I hope at least the gist of it is understandable 🙂

In Spanish:

In English:

2 thoughts on "Canciones conscientes: Color esperanza"

  1. Esa cancion ha supuesto siempre una alegria y un subidon para algunas amigas de mi coro parroquial en Cadiz. Nos ha ayudado a superar algunos momentos chungos (murieron dos integrantes muy queridos del coro, matrimonio entre si) y a mirar hacia delante con positividad como ellos hacian. Siempre ha sido como nuestro himno, por eso sono en mi boda con regalo y homenaje a ellos.
    Desde luego es muy digna de escuchar conscientemente. 😉

  2. Tengo el recuerdo de esta canción cuando viajamos a Argentina, justo después del corralito. Sonaba en todas partes, y cómo la gente inconscientemente la tatareaba. Era un mal momento para el país, y la gente tiraba adelante. Desde entonces es escucharla y pararme un poquito

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