
A conversation that plays out quite often in our house, and one that you can probably relate to, is negotiating in a given moment what´s mandatory and what´s optional.

My daughter Alicia is the expert in all this, though her sisters are not far behind. When I ask her to do something she´s not convinced about, Alicia asks: “do I have to?”. And my answer, most of the time, is “yes”.

But not always. So she´s right to ask :-)

In fact, this is something that most of us should ask (ourselves) more often: this thing I have in front of me, this thing “I have to do”, do I really have to do it? ¿According to whom? What happens if I don´t do it, or if I do it differently?

Clearly, the answer can be a yes, it needs to be done, and it may still be yes most times, but it may also surprise us and end up being a no more often than we thought. Or we could come up with another alternative, an intermediate solution that´s even better than the previous one… By asking the question we allow ourselves to see the options, and we have more ability to choose.

Of course, whatever we decide, we have to be responsible and fully accept the consequences. But the key point is that we have options, even if we don´t always see them, even if we don´t always like them. But we do have options. And once we realize this, we can choose whatever we see fit, and “I have to…” becomes “I choose…”, and the burden becomes a little lighter.

Here are a couple of quotes that I love on this topic, as they go a step further, inviting us to choose how to relate to what is happening in our life:

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.


This one I heard for the first time in a yoga class (thanks Carsun!), and felt it especially close when giving birth to my girls, before realizing that it can really be applied to everything in life, not only physical pain.

And this other one I only heard recently; it seems to me that it´s very fitting to the times we´re now living:

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.

John C. Maxwell

Now you choose!

2 thoughts on "Opcional"

  1. Has leído «The paradox of choice: why more is less»? Un ensayo donde se ve que no siempre te era muchas opciones de elección te aporta capacidad de decidir. A los «maximizers» como yo misma, de hecho nos crea un poco de ansiedad tener muchas elecciones. Nos podríamos concertina en el asno de Buridan de la paradoja aquella… 😉.

    • Cierto, demasiadas opciones pueden ser contraproducentes… gracias por la idea Rocío, ¡eso da tema para otro post! Este es más para cuando nos abruma el peso de las obligaciones, y nos parece no tener opciones en absoluto. Lo ideal es un término medio, y poder elegir sin agobiarnos 🙂

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